100% Milestone

The demo of Cubie: Botanical Breakout which was presented on April 28th allowed us to gain a variety of insights into the game and how players perform while playing. During the presentation event, we received a large amount of feedback about Cubie: Botanical Breakout.

In terms of quality-of-life changes which we plan to implement based on feedback, we plan on making it more clear that Cubie: Botanical Breakout is intended to be played using a gamepad (rather than with a mouse and keyboard, which was a point of confusion once players began downloading the game on their own computers). Additionally, we plan on looking into changes to how the player camera works (with the differences between a free-movement camera and a locked camera needing to be further investigated). A considerable amount of feedback was also given pertaining to the visibility of important objects (such as collectables and grapple points) and locations. We plan on investigating visual changes to these objects and areas in order to make them stand out more to the player.

In terms of feedback that we received which pertains to the game as a whole, there was a very positive overall reaction to the visual style and gameplay of Cubie: Botanical Breakout. Players were generally very invested while playing Cubie, and were typically able to pick up the game with little-to-no prior experience and play successfully. 

One piece of feedback which we received from a professional was that retro platformer titles are currently oversaturating the market, and that as such we should look into further gameplay alterations which better differentiate our game. This feedback was extremely valuable to us, but we will need to further investigate the plausibility and need for any fundamental gameplay changes in the future (assuming they are appropriate).

Overall, we feel that the presentation was very successful and allowed us to get a better feeling for how Cubie: Botanical Breakout is received by the public. We are excited to continue working on Cubie: Botanical Breakout and are eager to continue watching the game evolve and grow.

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